Eyes Wide Open

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Eyes Wide Open



Are you awake and have gone back to sleep, are you suffering from "freedom apathy"? Are you hypnotised in a PsyOP are you spending disproportionate time on a subject that is a "freedom comfort zone"? Do you feel an event is about to occur yet you feel paralysed? watch this its like caffeine for action and a plausible dot joining exercise.
Watch this after
Fill out this form if you want to take action

A short 20 minute review on what Common Law Constables are, how to get trained and why almost everyone should consider becoming one.
Here are the links discussed in this video.
For the website Common Law Documents
For the website Common Law Constables
For the video The Three Rings of Independence

This is the follow up to all the videos in Eyes Wide Open and was two years in the making.
Everyone asks “what do you think they will do next”? The answer today is that they only have 14 strategies in their play book (that they can use on us all at once that is). The countermeasure response is the same, as you will see.
The first 20 minutes covers what we have learned so far and the rest itemises the 14 strategies. Watch all the way through and decide if you are a watcher, a keyboard warrior or a Pioneer.

There will only be 70 Steroid MasterNodes deployed by ourselves. This presentation explains what they are and outlines the phenomenal ROI potential.
If you are interested please follow this link:

If you want to build something positive that makes a difference then watch this video with pen and paper ready. It’s a tutorial video that you can use for revision and reference. Do the “Hard Yards” learn and apply what you learn here, become an expert in this and be a part of something special.
If you are interested in Becoming a Pioneer (Beep Pro) fill out this form.

Do you want to get freedom back? Watch this all the way through if you think you can be a Pioneer building this then fill out the form below:

The whole world is born TerraCor they just don’t know it.
This video explains so that you can remember who you are.

Interview with Sukh. The video speaks for itself.

Where is your money click this link

<<All Episodes regarding CLC hack and false allegations by John Smith>>

Episode 1 - Lyndon explaining what actually happened between John Smith and Beep

Episode 2 - Angelos explaining the hack and evidence of John's lies

Episode 3 - Bruce interview with more evidence, lies by John and other issues created by CLC

Episode 4 Dolores Interview with more evidence of John's behaviour

Further evidence from Dolores corroborating episodes 1,2 & 3

Where is your money click this link

<<All Episodes regarding CLC hack and false allegations by John Smith>>

Episode 1 - Lyndon explaining what actually happened between John Smith and Beep

Episode 2 - Angelos explaining the hack and evidence of John's lies

Episode 3 - Bruce interview with more evidence, lies by John and other issues created by CLC

Further evidence from Bruce corroborating episodes 1 & 2

Where is your money click this link

<<All Episodes regarding CLC hack and false allegations by John Smith>>

Episode 1 - Lyndon explaining what actually happened between John Smith and Beep

Episode 2 - Angelos explaining the hack and evidence of John's lies

Episode 3 - Bruce interview with more evidence, lies by John and other issues created by CLC

Evidence from the CTO exposing the false allegations from John Smith at Common Law Court.
This is a series watch in order.

Where is your money click this link

<<All Episodes regarding CLC hack and false allegations by John Smith>>

Episode 1 - Lyndon explaining what actually happened between John Smith and Beep

Episode 2 - Angelos explaining the hack and evidence of John's lies

Episode 3 - Bruce interview with more evidence, lies by John and other issues created by CLC

After the completely despicable attack on my children by John Smith in his Common Law Court Newsline here is my response. See links below for evidence.
Where is your money click this link

<<All Episodes regarding CLC hack and false allegations by John Smith>>

Episode 1 - Lyndon explaining what actually happened between John Smith and Beep

Episode 2 - Angelos explaining the hack and evidence of John's lies

Episode 3 - Bruce interview with more evidence, lies by John and other issues created by CLC

If you are a business owner or employee CBDC is coming and unless you practice with alternatives you life and business will be turned upside down.

A 9 minute store and business promotion of the cyberspace and common law company Beep which is a revolutionary loyalty program which is also a digital payment provider to ensure businesses don't get left behind, and importantly have choices in the future.
Click here if you are a business and wish to get started

It is absolutely essential that everyone knows the difference between Central Bank Digital Currency and Decentralised Currency plus the misinformation about alternatives. There are many things we need to understand and practice this is one of them.

Here's the beginning of the way out of tyranny. Not everyone will come but we need to know we have two of everything to survive. The greatest journeys start with the simplest of steps. Find out who in your community wants away from tyranny and wishes to do something positive about it.

At what point do good people realise that enough is enough and decide for themselves to resist and just say no?

The NHS is being weaponised in the propaganda war here's how & why

Do you think the lockdowns are over? They will never stop until all independent business is destroyed and the world is dependent on One World Government. You do not have to comply with this tyranny, the authority is fake. Watch this to find out how your business can survive and protect your freedom.

If you think your government wouldn't completely subjugate you and actually eliminate you and your family in this modern world, think again

A scientific presentation showing that unless we change the tide very soon it will be too late for all of us. The time has past to argue about whether or not to go and get injected. Should this debate be suppressed that in itself is evidence of the agenda to reduce the population. The real concern is that it may be too late already. No comments No Morons No Cognitive Dissonance this is just time for sober avoidance of the largest catastrophe facing humanity.

The story that explains why and how the global control agenda is there. Plus the way out.

Want to discuss Climate Change and Population Control in one 20 minute video? Look no further.

We invite you to look at our videos to explain an alternative view to what you may be watching on the mainstream news.

We present to you eighteen videos totalling seven and a half hours of evidence and alternative news. Feel free to binge through them all at once or watch one (or a few) each day.

The videos are laid out a bit like an historical court case presenting you with evidence from some of the worlds leading doctors, immunologists, virologists, biologists, and real investigative journalists.

We think it may help you to imagine you have been in a coma since January 2020 and have just woken up to a completely different world. So switch off your TV, avoid all news including local radio until you have watched all the main 18 videos.

All the videos are designed to be watched in order from 1 to 18 otherwise key points will be missed.

Watch every video with an open mind and remind yourself that you are a sovereign individual and you and you alone are the judge.

We sincerely hope we help to open your eyes to what is really going on.

The Eyes Wide Open Team

We invite you to look at our videos to explain an alternative view to what you may be watching on the mainstream news.

We present to you eighteen videos totalling seven and a half hours of evidence and alternative news. Feel free to binge through them all at once or watch one (or a few) each day.

The videos are laid out a bit like an historical court case presenting you with evidence from some of the worlds leading doctors, immunologists, virologists, biologists, and real investigative journalists.

We think it may help you to imagine you have been in a coma since January 2020 and have just woken up to a completely different world. So switch off your TV, avoid all news including local radio until you have watched all the main 18 videos.

All the videos are designed to be watched in order from 1 to 18 otherwise key points will be missed.

Watch every video with an open mind and remind yourself that you are a sovereign individual and you and you alone are the judge.

We sincerely hope we help to open your eyes to what is really going on.

The Eyes Wide Open Team


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

44 videos

Category Vlogging